Storyline 1000 Dollars on the Black 1966
Alex Cox, in his recent book, described $1000 on the Black
as visually fantastical, with no concession to that dull and deadly notion,
'realism'. For me Cox hits the nail on the head in terms of what makes this
film appealing. It has melodrama in big heaped spoonfuls, a bad guy who is
deliciously bad, a good guy we can root for and a mad, embittered matriarch in
a big house whose malicious influence pervades all. All this acted with an
unmistakeable relish in the Italian style where the term 'less is more' is
never remotely considered. Everyone involved contributes their part here but,
as mentioned above, Gianni Garko as the evil brother Sartana is very much first
among equals.
This is not the Sartana character which became synoymous
with Garko in the years to come but a very different animal. Psychotic,
sadistic and Oedipal this Sartana is a whip wielding nut case who loves his
mother and hates everyone else and whose blonde, blue eyed good looks are in
stark contrast to his pseudo Mexican bandit persona. Garko plays the role well
and proves beyond doubt that he was one of the few Spaghetti stars who was capable
of inhabiting any character he chose. A true actor, he is as convincing here as
the heavy as he was in any of his more usual good guy parts and his passionate,
exuberant approach to this particular role works as a great foil to Anthony
Steffen's stone faced hero. The two make a very effective pairing and between
them create an absorbing spectacle. Steffen is...well...Steffen, and that's
just fine. He does what is required and the part suits his style well. Tony was
never a man who was going to challenge anyone in the acting stakes so it is not
surprising that he is upstaged by Garko here but he performs well and brings
sufficient steel to his character. He also performs his action scenes with his
usual skill. This is where Steffen is at his best and he doesn't disappoint.
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Director: Alberto Cardone (as Albert Cardiff)
Writers: Ernesto Gastaldi (story), Vittorio Salerno (story)
Stars: Anthony Steffen, Gianni Garko, Erika Blanc
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